Where to Take Donations in Northern, NJ
Local Buy Nothing or Freecycle Facebook Groups
As long as they work, they can be donated to: Local Thrift Stores or Habitat For Humanity ReStore. For broken electronics, check out the options on my recycling page.
Local Thrift Stores, Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Howard’s Mission
The Hazel Project will take blankets in the fall and winter for the homeless
Local Animal Shelters such as Randolph Animal Shelter, St. Huberts, and 11th Hour Rescue
Your local library, Denville Book Barn, Thrift Stores
Thrift Stores, Denville Book Barn, VFW Dropbox
Habitat for Humanity, ARCMorris, Project Self-sufficiency
Howard’s Mission
Thrift Stores
Howard’s Mission
Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter (Helpsy Donation Bin at 100 North Road in Chester, NJ - behind the EMT building)
Family Promise of Morris County, Moms Helping Moms Foundation, Local Food Pantries
See Recycling Page
Lions Club Collection Bin at Habitat Restore in Randolph
Dropbox at VFW building on Carrell Road in Randolph
Flemington Furs
Market Street Mission and Habitat for Humanity ReStore will pickup select furniture from the ground level of a house. Furniture Assist in Springfield will also pick up furniture. If unable to donate, I suggest giving it away for free through your local Buy Nothing group or reaching to Mike the Junkman for his junk removal services.
See Boardgames
Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter (Helpsy Donation Bin at 100 North Road in Chester, NJ - behind the EMT building)
Local Thrift Stores or Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Friends of the Summit Library (Drop off at the circulation desk). Unworn Jewelry can also be redesigned into a modern piece.
These cannot be donated and must be thrown away.
Pluckemin Medical Equipment Ministry - Donation Drop-off locations at Presbyterian churches in Denville and Bedminster. Also Roxbury Social Services
Local Animal Shelters such as Randolph Animal Shelter, St. Huberts, 11th Hour Rescue Thrift Store
Project Self-Sufficiency
Becca’s Closet
Local Libraries, Denville Book Barn, Local Thrift Stores
Denville Book Barn, Local Thrift Stores
Local Food Pantries - Interfaith Food Pantry (Morris Plains), Table of Hope (Morristown)
Soles 4 Souls Drop-off Bins at DSW Locations, Thrift Stores
Soles 4 Souls Drop-off Bins at DSW Locations, Thrift Stores
Buy Nothing Groups are great for toy give-aways. Also, Roxbury Social Services.
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