Back to School Organizing Tips
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

Back to School Organizing Tips

Starting a new school year is overwhelming…for everyone in the house. Getting up early and going to school each day involves a lot of details and preparation and this can be an especially hard adjustment after a more carefree summer. This blog posts shares tips for how to organize your house and your time to make the transition back to a school schedule a bit easier.

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How to outfit a college dorm room on a budget
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

How to outfit a college dorm room on a budget

Outfitting a dorm room can be a bit overwhelming. There are endless checklists of things you “need” and endless options of things to buy. Not all families have a large budget to decorate a dorm room, so let’s break down a few ways to keep expenses down.

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Outsourcing: Giving Mom’s Back the Gift of Time
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

Outsourcing: Giving Mom’s Back the Gift of Time

In the whirlwind of modern life, mothers are exhausted from juggling personal, family, and household tasks. What if I told you there's a way to gain back precious time without sacrificing your sanity? Enter the power of outsourcing.

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Paper Organization Tips
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

Paper Organization Tips

It’s early February and I am guessing that you are receiving a lot of mail as of late - tax statements, camp flyers, late holiday cards, and all of the usual bills, solicitations, and catalogs. So I thought this would be a great time to talk about paper organization tips and tricks!

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Guest Blog: Creating an organized kitchen with celiac disease
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

Guest Blog: Creating an organized kitchen with celiac disease

Julie Aderhold is a professional organizer based in Wisconsin. As an adult living with celiac disease, she has a specialty in servicing individuals and families with Celiac Disease and gluten intolerances through her company, Healthy Home Organizing. Check out her guest blog on this subject.

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50 Clutter Free Gift Ideas
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

50 Clutter Free Gift Ideas

There is a growing trend of people asking for gifts that won’t add to the clutter in their house and reduce their environmental impact. I’ve compiled a list of clutter-free gift ideas that don't add to the clutter but hold sentimental value and become cherished reminders of connections.

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Guest Blog: Six Proven Strategies to Overcome Procrastination
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

Guest Blog: Six Proven Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Do you have adult ADHD and procrastinate with projects at work or at home? Do you have great ideas and know what you need to do but have trouble getting started? This is a common experience for adults with ADHD due to challenges with focus, sustained attention, distractibility, decision-making, strategizing, and follow-through. If ADHD is causing you to procrastinate, here are 6 effective strategies that can help you manage the thought patterns underlying your work avoidance and develop concrete methods for meeting your work goals.

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Guest Blog: 504 and IEP Organization Tips
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

Guest Blog: 504 and IEP Organization Tips

Danielle Ward, a non-legal parent advocate and founder of Encompass Parent Solutions, wrote this blog post specifically focused on parents whose children have or will have 504s or IEPs. It highlights a few key areas and resources to help parents take action this fall, make a plan, and feel more confident as they navigate the new school year.

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My Journey to Becoming a Home Organizer
Lindsey Mahanna Lindsey Mahanna

My Journey to Becoming a Home Organizer

After some soul searching walks and long days on zoom calls, I decided that I wanted to move on from my remote corporate position and pursue a new career in professional organizing based in my NJ community. I

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